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Simple Portlet to View Your IP address as seen by outside world

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Frequently Asked Questions About My IP Portlet

This page covers some common questions and concerns related to the My IP Portlet

Why is My IP Portlet Showing my IP as or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ?

If you are accessing this portlet locally, it may show your address as or 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (in case of IPV6). To check you real IP address seen by external world you need to access this from a remote machine outside the local area network.

How is the IP Address Assigned? Who assigns the IP address to my computer?

IP Addresses are assigned by a Internet Service Provider (ISP). Just like your home address, IP address acts as the address of a computer system on the internet. A computer needs IP address to be able to communicate on the internet.